We want to be the Milwaukee meal delivery service that all our neighbors turn to, but we appreciate y'all want a project now and then.
Read on for ideas for delicious family-friendly dinners, easy treats that save you time in the kitchen, and activities to enjoy with your favorite people.
Veggie Lo Mein
Veggie Chili con Carne
The Easiest Pickle Recipe with an Eco-Friendly Bent
To scratch that itch, please enjoy my newest video* – how to make pickles. It will take you more time to watch the video than do the work. That’s the kind of kitchen project we can all enjoy.
The Best Spring Pasta
Thai Beef with Coconut Rice
Oh doggies, we all love this dinner at my house. We each get a fried egg over the top, but I couldn’t bring myself to put that in the official recipe. Gilding the lily and all that.
Sweet Potato and Spinach Salad
Summery Sweet Quark Cheese Dip Recipe
Stovetop Lasagna
The first thing you’re going to note about this recipe is that it makes a lot. A whole lot. But making a whole lot doesn’t take that much more time than making the recipe for four, so we’re going to make extra to keep in the freezer. I love these pans for this kind of purpose. After you fill them, write the date, the name of the dish, and instructions on the lid and wrap securely in plastic wrap.
Sticky Sesame Cauliflower with Rice
This recipe is great for Meatless Mondays. You’ll never miss the meat with this sweet, salty, and sticky cauliflower dish.
Sheet Pan Fajitas
Boy, this is a great recipe to do over and over again with whatever strikes your fancy at the moment. In all truth, when I tested the recipe the final time, I skipped the chicken and instead made some of that Costco tortilla-crusted tilapia on another pan. Delish!