Appreciation and Recognition Go a Long Way!

Appreciation and Recognition Go a Long Way!

Editor’s Note: While not a part of The Worst Cook in the Kitchen series, this post is written by Sara, our Customer Relationship Manager.

The month of May is a very special one. Not only do I celebrate the birthdays’ of some of my favorite people, but it’s also a time to celebrate some of the everyday heroes in our lives: teachers, nurses, and moms. It’s a time when we get to reflect on how much these people make the world a better place.  

My husband is a teacher and feels so special during teacher appreciation week. This year, he especially appreciated the amazing breakfast the PTO served, the candy bar that was in the staff lounge, and getting off easy for Mother’s Day by bringing home some bouquets of flowers he received from students.

We here at TRGL had so much fun cheering on teachers, nurses (and enjoying Ann Marie’s Kit Kat bars!) and of course, are ALWAYS happy for any excuse to celebrate moms. Because recognizing a job well done (or just done?) is all mom wants every now and then, right?

Or maybe we all want to be recognized and valued.

Every job I’ve had has been pretty different… I went from working at a gym to corporate sales to all that I do at TRGL.  Each of these jobs has had it’s own unique perks. When I worked at the gym, the notes recognizing something I had done, and the free membership helped my mind, body, and soul.  The unlimited free La Croix and fun team-building events at my sales job made work more fun. Perks and general appreciation go a long way in the employment world. 

Now, I work at a job where I love what I do SO. MUCH. MORE. than I have ever loved a job before.

Why? Because I am valued. Because they see me for who I am, what my strengths are, and let me run with them. Wait, not run, fly, they let me fly. That sounds so cliche, but it’s true. 

Why am I telling you this?  What does this have to do with food? Well, a lot actually. Think about when your job has staff lunches, or provides you with unlimited seltzer water? It’s one less thing you, as the employee, has to think about. It’s your employer’s way of saying “we value you and your time”. It’s not just about fueling your output either, it’s a time to come together, to talk and bond and see one another as the people we are and not just co-workers. (P.S. Three cheers to finally being able to be in the room with coworkers!!!)

Take the time to look around you: at your moms, teachers, and nurses, but also the people you work with and most importantly, yourself.

Appreciation weeks and days are wonderful, but make sure you are thanking those people in your life more than once a year. And while gifts aren’t always necessary, they don’t hurt. And TRGL gifts are great for busy people, just sayin…. 😉