Take Dinner Off Your Employees’ Plates

Take Dinner Off Your Employees’ Plates

When people think of The Real Good Life, they think of fresh, delicious, made-from-scratch meals delivered right to their door. They think of the relief that they don’t have to cook dinner and the excitement of the change of pace from their dinner stand-bys. While this is exactly what we think too, there’s more to us.

Our word of the year is COMMUNITY, and we are living that in full force. In addition to participating in several PTO fundraisers, donating to countless charities, and supporting local restaurants with our Local Flavor series this year, we have also worked with other businesses to provide meals for their employees and their families. 

Can we help you provide dinner for your employees and/or customers?

There are several ways you could do this. We’ve had one company purchase every single employee a gift certificate for TRGL meals during their busy season. Other companies purchased gift certificates for their clients as a thank you. Another company had an employee undergoing chemotherapy and had a few meals sent to their house every week. Multiple companies have had TRGL meals dropped off at new parents’ houses. There are so many things we can do, and we can customize them to best fit your company!

In my last blog post, I talked about appreciation. I also talked about how using food as appreciation isn’t just providing a tasty meal; it is providing time. Time is such an incredible gift.

If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to me anytime.

-Sara Brugman, Customer Relationship Manager